Duct Sealing vs Duct Cleaning

By November 17, 2018May 8th, 2024Uncategorized

Which One is Right for You?

Here in Austin, we get asked a lot about duct cleaning, especially from folks with seasonal allergies. People are surprised to learn that needing to have your ducts cleaned may be shedding light on a bigger problem in your home or office…leaky ducts.

Duct sealing helps you breathe easier and feel more comfortable in your home by eliminating the leaks in your ductwork that let in outside allergens and contaminants.

Did you know?
Duct sealing adds value to your property and improves the comfort of your home. Here’s why:

  • Aeroseal duct sealing helps improve the comfort of your home by stabilizing temperature levels throughout your home, helping eliminate those pesky hard to cool/heat rooms in your house.
  • Aeroseal Duct sealing helps improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling (HVAC) systems by reducing the energy needed to heat and cool your home.
  • Aeroseal Duct sealing uses safe sealants (safer than Latex paint) to seal off the gaps and leaks in your ductwork closing off access to insects and rodents.

We’re Ian and Sean Harris, owners of Indoor Air Quality of Texas, experts in identifying and fixing leaky ducts in your Central Austin home or business.

How Ducts Get Dirty
Ducts get dirty by trapping contaminants and objects inside your ducts that come from outside air and inside your home’s walls.

Leaks in your ductwork let air that blows into your attic, walls, or crawl space get sucked into your ducts and then blow throughout your entire home.

A telltale sign of leaky ducts is consistent layers of dust on furniture and flat surfaces during periods when your windows are most often shut.

That same dust inside your home is also accumulating in your ductwork. Over time, these contaminants can accumulate, or even worse, grow inside your ducts. We see this in severe cases where insects, like scorpions, and mold have been allowed to flourish over time.

Not pretty, especially if you suffer from year-round seasonal allergies here.

Removing the Cause vs. Cleaning Up The Mess
The ductwork in your home is also designed to suck in air from specific vents in your home’s ventilation system. They’re called cold air returns and these are where you replace your furnace filters. You do change your filters regularly, right?

Sealing off the leaks and cracks in your ductwork helps eliminate the cause of dirty ducts and reduce the layers of dust inside your home or business AND help your furnace or A/C work more efficiently. Even Consumer Reports said that sealing your ducts is a better way to save money on energy costs.

Getting rid of the leaks in your ducts just makes more sense. Otherwise, you could just be wasting your money every time you have them cleaned.

When Duct Cleaning Makes Sense
Sometimes it’s necessary to have your ducts cleaned. In fact, we refer out ducts for cleaning when we see signs of serious contamination.

A professional duct cleaning service can be an integral part of a holistic solution for improving the air quality in your home.

About Aeroseal Duct Sealing
Indoor Air Quality of Texas uses Aeroseal’s proven technique and patented sealant to seal off gaps and cracks inside your ducts that let contaminants and particulate get inside your home.

The Aeroseal duct sealing process injects sealant into your ductwork that finds and seals the holes, gaps, and cracks in your ductwork. Here is even more details on how duct sealing works.

The best way to determine if duct sealing makes sense for you is to have your ductwork inspected.

How to Determine If You Have Leaky Ductwork
Did you know you could have your ductwork pressure tested? Investing in a ductwork pressure test can help put you at ease and identify any significant leaks in your ductwork.

Testing your ducts gives you a percentage of leakage score for your ductwork and help you decide whether duct sealing is the right choice for your home or business.

This test is used by HVAC professionals around the country to test the leakage in ducts, even in new homes, and can be completed in usually 2-3 hours per system.

Schedule Your Ductwork Assessment
Imagine not having to continually chase dust off your surfaces and furniture, AND being able to breathe less-contaminated humid air inside your home. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Now is the perfect time to schedule your ductwork assessment. Just give us a call at 512-850-4479 or submit a request for more information.

We are Austin’s official Aeroseal service provider and we’re committed to helping you achieve the greatest comfort and heating/cooling efficiency in your home or business.

Call us today. We’re looking forward to helping you breathe easier.